02/06/2023 The Foster Parents’ Bill of Rights is Officially Law in Massachusetts!
The Foster Parents’ Bill of Rights expands and codifies the rights of foster parents in Massachusetts and improves how decisions can be made with each child’s best interest in mind.
One of HopeWell’s very own foster parents, Mari Gonzalez, did an amazing job testifying in support of this legislation! The Children’s League of MA and the MA Alliance for Families / MA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children were also instrumental in getting the bill passed into law. It was signed by former Governor Baker before he left office in January of 2023.
It is our hope that this is a positive step forward — encouraging more people to consider becoming foster parents and improving the experiences of both foster parents and kids alike.
Some Highlights From the New Law:
- Ensures foster parents are free from all forms of discrimination
- Provides pre-service training and resources
- Guarantees access to information about a child’s physical and behavioral health and education needs before placement
- Outlines the right to communication and information-sharing among various systems and people involved in supporting a child
- Clarifies the use of the “reasonable and prudent parenting standard” to better enable participation in appropriate recreational, family, and social experiences
See more highlights from the new law
or click here to see the full law